What Can Guinea Pigs Eat?

If you're considering adopting a guinea pig and want to know what foods to stock up on, or even if you own a guinea pig and you're unsure of what you can give your guinea to snack on, then this article will explain what and what foods are safe and what foods will do more harm than good. can guinea pigs eat apples

You may find yourself asking the following questions.


- Am I feeding my pig something that could make him sick?
- Are there other foods in my house that would be great to feed my guinea?
- My pig is a fussy eater and won't eat certain fruit or vegetables, what other foods are safe to try?


You can find the answers to these questions and a lot more information here. There are suggestions for different foods and kibble and hay that can make your guinea happy, based on personal experience as well. Pigs love fruit and vegetables just as much as us humans enjoy a bar of chocolate or a bag of sweets. This is great because fruit and vegetables are an important part of their diet and keep them happy and healthy.


Different guinea's have different preferences, but generally they love to nibble on a variety of different fruits and vegetables. Carrots, peppers and dark lettuces are a huge hit. If your guinea is extra picky and won't touch any fresh produce then it might be an idea to talk with your veterinarian about how you can get your vitamin C supplement, to ensure you're getting the right amount of nourishment into your little friend.


Here is a list of some fruit and vegetables that pigs will particularly enjoy and that will give them the best nutritional benefits. Fruits are high in sugar so they may be better as a special treat, and avoid any sudden dietary changes until you know that your guinea pigs stomach can handle it.


Red Pepper (or green/yellow pepper) - Red has the highest Vitamin C concentration)
Carrots- both the root and the green tops are perfectly safe for your pig.
Apples -Just make sure that there are no seeds
Leafy greens like red lettuce (feed leafy vegetables in moderation to avoid diarrhoea, and feed spinach sparingly to avoid potential kidney problems.
Broccoli (in moderation because it can be quite gassy)
Oranges or Clementine's
Strawberries (in moderation)


Foods you should never feed your guinea:


No matter how good it may taste to you, there are some foods that you should never feed your guinea pig.


While pigs do enjoy a variety of flavours and types of fruits and vegetables, there are some foods that you should never feed your guineas. If there is an item that isn't' on this list then it might be an idea not to feed it to your pig until you have spoken to your vet. There will be more of an exhaustive list available online.


Cabbage - A small piece if cabbage isn't likely to severely harm or kill your pig, but it can be extremely gassy and not good for their systems. So it might be advisable to stay away from it if you can.

Potato peelings - Toxins can exist in potato skins, especially if they've turned green and they can be poisonous

Raw beans - This doesn't mean green beans, but think like raw, hard kidney beans.

Rhubarb - The leaves of the rhubarb plant are poisonous, and the stalks can be very sour.

Dairy products- While there are many pet stores than offer 'yogurt drops' and chocolate 'treats' dairy isn't healthy to feed your guinea pig and can cause problems.

Any types of meat - Guinea pigs are vegetarian and would prefer salad over a steak any day.

Corn kernels - Popcorn isn't a very good idea, Guinea's can choke very easily.